Positive Intelligence (PQ) 6-week “Mental Fitness” program

We're offering this 6-week program based on the Positive Intelligence® (PQ®) work of Shirzad Chamine. The overall focus of Positive Intelligence is to develop resilience, reduce anxiety/stress, and increase happiness. It’s an app-guided program for 5-12 participants at a time (PQ Pod) that also gets support from two PQ co-facilitators (Dan Browdy and Etienne Morris).

The cost of the 6-week program is $1000 and includes a one-on-one private PQ coaching session and access to the PQ app and program content for one year. The next pod is starting on September 21.

If you are interested in signing up, being added to a waitlist for a future date, or simply learning more about PQ - you can reach out directly to Etienne Morris at Collective Engagement, etienne@collective-engagement.com

Deadline for sign up is Sep 13, 2024.