Front Porch Forum

Large Company

We're in the business of helping neighbors connect and build community within neighborhoods. FPF serves each and every Vermont town with our service and 220,000 members currently participate (more than half of all Vermont households). As a modern-day cross between community bulletin boards and virtual town greens, FPF provides an easy way for local residents to connect with their neighbors. It’s free. It’s local. And it’s friendly. It is moderated and members are clearly identified as they share postings about all sorts of topics. Each FPF helps neighbors share recommendations, find lost pets, welcome newcomers, inform about local events, and engage in healthy and civil debate about important local issues.

Business Categories

  • Community/Human Services
  • Communications/Information Technology
  • Media

Front Porch Forum
PO Box 73
Westford, VT 05494

(802) 540-0069