Big Heavy World

Small Non-Profit

At Big Heavy World we’ve been preserving and promoting Vermont-made music since 1996. We’re a volunteer-staffed music office, doing work similar to the music offices of the City of Seattle, or the State of Texas. Big Heavy World is established to preserve the historical record of music originating in Vermont; to create economic opportunity for Vermont's musicians and the industries vital to them; to develop community among Vermont musicians and their patrons; and to accomplish this mission in a substance-free environment that empowers and educates youth. Big Heavy World provides technical support and promotion that includes every kind of music and creates resources for us all to share. We bring Vermont musicians together.

Business Categories

  • Art/Entertainment/Writing
  • Non-profit

Big Heavy World
P.O. Box 428
Burlington, VT 05402
(802) 865-1140

James Lockridge