Vermont Changemakers Table

Step into the Circle of Vermont Changemakers

Become part of a vibrant community of young Vermonters committed to driving positive change in Vermont and its communities. The Vermont Changemakers Table is your opportunity for relationship building and collective action, where your impact can truly be felt.

Connect, Learn and Lead at Our Gatherings

At our gatherings, you'll create lasting connections with fellow participants and engage in enlightening discussions with state leaders about catalyzing change. You’ll have the opportunity to design and implement a grant program focused on your area of interest within Vermont – turning your ideas into action.

No Cost, Just Opportunity

Engaging in the Changemakers program is free of charge. Each participant is awarded a complimentary VBSR membership for the year, unlocking access to our valuable educational programs, networking events and a range of other member benefits.

Interested or Have Questions?

Feel free to contact VBSR’s Education & Events Manager, Molly Rand, at

What Do Our Changemakers Table Alumni Have to Say?

Thank you so much for organizing and facilitating a wonderful group of folks who did some fantastic work.
I really enjoyed participating in the grant round, it was so interesting to be able to design it in a way that isn’t typical. It demonstrates that just because things are done a certain way doesn’t mean they always have to be done that way!
This is the most diverse group I have ever been a part of, and I really appreciated that.