VEEP Shares Climate Resilience Poster

VEEP's new poster includes a beautiful illustration by local artist Sarah-Lee Terrat that shows a community that has done an amazing array of things to prepare itself for a changing climate. The poster asks us to consider what else might help, and which of those things might be possible in our own communities. We especially appreciate how many of the items featured in the drawing are solutions to multiple problems, because while re-imagining our communities is difficult work, it also provides an opportunity to make improvements for everyone!
A special interactive webpage ( allows you to see labels for the various parts of the drawing, and an explanation of how these examples of mitigation, adaptation, and interconnection help make this community more resilient.
The lower portion of the poster includes stories from around VT and NH of communities making some of the changes featured in the illustration. With these stories we hope to show that these changes are possible and relevant right here in New England.
We hope you'll use this tool when brainstorming ideas for projects in your communities, and as an aid in conversations about how to balance the need to mitigate the effects of climate change while also adapting to the reality that it is here, now.
VEEP/NHEEP will be using this tool with students and teachers in schools and in our programs with adults. Please feel free to share this with anyone you think would find it useful.