Difficult Conversations

Difficult Conversations: How to get at the truth of things without causing or receiving harm.

We experience difficult conversations in our community, personal and work lives and witness them through news and social media outlets writ large. At their best, difficult conversations are gateways to truth telling, looking at ourselves, another person or a situation directly that opens the conversation up to greater compassion and understanding. At their worst, difficult conversations sever relationships. Issues of local, state, national and international difference are more prevalent and are deepening the “us vs. them” approach.

For those of us committed to civility and curiosity, now is the time when we must use the tools we’ve learned in Vermont Leadership Institute and other areas of our lives to engage in and facilitate productive, meaningful and inclusvie conversations. Please join us for the next Chewing on Leadership.

Chewing on Leadership is a Snelling Center for Government sponsored hour long web conference.  Difficult Conversations: How to get to the truth of things without causing or being harmed will be led by Jane Arthur and Jodie Fried.  See our website under events or sign up below.

Sign up here for more details  or contact Suzanne at suzanne@snellingcenter.org